This page gives an overview of relevant publications in collaboration with the TBG group.
last update: 2020-11-12
- Karachentsev I.D. et al. (2014): Three low surface brightness dwarfs discovered around NGC 4631 (Link to publication)
- Karachentsev I.D. et al. (2015): New Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies Detected Around Nearby Spirals (Link to publication) (Russian version / Astrophysical Bulletin vol. 70, no. 4) (English version / Astrophysical Bulletin vol. 70, issue 4, pp 379-391)
- Blauensteiner M. et al. (2017): More satellites around the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 7331 (Link to publication), (Link to “Astrofisika”)
- Karachentsev I.D. et al. (2020): New dwarfs around the curly spiral galaxy M 63 (Link to publication) (Link to the cover of “astronomical notes”, 10 2020)
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