This page gives an overview of relevant publications from others regarding stellar streams and shell galaxies in the Local Volume.
last update: 2016-01-04
- Beaton R.L. et al. (2014): Cannibalization and rebirth in the NGC 5387 system. I. The stellar stream and star-forming region; ApJ 790, 117 (link to publication) (preliminary link: arXiv:1312.0585 [astro-ph.GA])
- Blom C. et al. (2014): The SLUGGS Survey: new evidence for a tidal interaction between the early-type galaxies NGC 4365 and NGC 4342; MNRAS 439, 2420-2431 (link to publication), (preliminary link: arXiv:1401.5128 [astro-ph.GA])
- Chonis T.S. et al. (2011): A petal of the sunflower: photometry of the stellar tidal stream in the halo of Messier 63 (NGC 5055); AJ 142, 166 (link to publication)
- Cooper A.P. et al. (2011): The Formation of Shell Galaxies Similar to NGC 7600 in the Cold Dark Matter Cosmogony; ApJ 743, L21 (link to publication)
- Foster C. et al. (2014): Kinematics and simulations of the stellar stream in the halo of the Umbrella Galaxy; MNRAS 442, 3544-3564 (link to publication), (preliminary link: arXiv:1406.5511 [astro-ph.GA])
- Karachentsev I.D. et al. (2014): Three low surface brightness dwarfs discovered around NGC 4631; (preliminary link: arXiv:1401.2719 [astro-ph.GA], this preprint contains first results about the newly discovered stellar stream.)
- Malin D.F., Quinn P.J., Graham J.A. (1983): Shell structure in NGC 5128; ApJ 272, L5-L7 (link to publication)
- Malin D.F., Carter D. (1983): A catalog of elliptical galaxies with shells; ApJ 274, 534-540 (link to publication)
- Martinez-Delgado D. et al. (2008): The Ghost of a Dwarf Galaxy: Fossils of the Hierarchical Formation of the Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 5907; ApJ 689, 184-193 (link to publication)
- Martinez-Delgado D. et al. (2010): Stellar tidal streams in spiral galaxies of the local volume: a pilot survey with modest aperture telescopes; AJ 140, 962-967 (link to publication)
- Martinez-Delgado D. et al. (2012): Dwarfs Gobbling Dwarfs: A Stellar Tidal Stream around NGC 4449 and Hierarchical Galaxy Formation on Small Scales; ApJ Letters 748, L24 (link to publication)
- Martinez-Delgado D. et al. (2014): Discovery of a Stellar Tidal Stream Around the Whale Galaxy, NGC 4631; preliminary link: arXiv:1410.6368v1 [astro-ph.GA], 23 Oct 2014; (link to publication) 10/2015, see: earlier by Karachentev et al. 2014
- Miskolczi A., Bomans D.J., Dettmar R.-J. (2011): Tidal streams around galaxies in the SDSS DR7 archive. I. First results; A&A 536A, A66 (link to publication)
- Paudel S. et al. (2013): The next generation Virgo Cluster survey. IV. NGC 4216: a bombarded spiral in the Virgo cluster; ApJ 767, 133 (link to publication)
- Rich R.M. et al. (2012): A tidally distorted dwarf galaxy near NGC 4449; Nature 482, 192-194 (link to publication)
- Romanowsky A.J. et al. (2012): The ongoing assembly of a central cluster galaxy: phase-space substructures in the halo of M87; ApJ 748, 29 (link to publication)
- Shang Z. et al. (1998): Ring structure and warp of NGC 5907 – Interaction with dwarf galaxies; ApJ 504, 23 (link to publication)
- Turnbull A.J., Bridges T.J., Carter D. (1999): Imaging of the shell galaxies NGC 474 and 7600, and implications for their formation; MNRAS 307, 967-976 (link to publication)
- van Dokkum P., Abraham R., Merritt A. (2014): First results from the Dragonfly Telephoto Array: the apparent lack of a stellar halo in the massive spiral galaxy M101; ApJ Lett. 782, article id. L24, 6 pp. (link to publication, also arXiv:1401.5467 [astro-ph.CO])
- Zheng Z. et al. (1999): Deep intermediate-band surface photometry of NGC 5907; AJ 117, 2757-2780 (link to publication)
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