Tief Belichtete Galaxien (TBG)
Long exposed galaxies
the project
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Camelopadalis B
IC 342
IC 1613
LEDA 34385
NGC 598 (M 33)
NGC 672
NGC 772
NGC 891
NGC 1097
NGC 1156
NGC 2146 / NGC 2146A
NGC 2683
NGC 2768
NGC 2820 / NGC 2805 / NGC 2814
NGC 2855
NGC 2903
NGC 3226 / NGC 3227
NGC 3239
NGC 3344
NGC 3486
NGC 3521
NGC 3619
NGC 3631
NGC 4214
NGC 4258
NGC 4321 – M 100
NGC 4536 / NGC 4527
NGC 4594
NGC 4625 / 4618
NGC 4631
NGC 4631/56
NGC 4725
NGC 4762 / NGC 4754
NGC 5055
NGC 5297
NGC 5457
NGC 5585
NGC 5866
NGC 5907
NGC 7331
NGC 7454
Pavo II (ACO S 805)
Victor Ambartsumian
publications in collaboration with the TBG group
Sterne und Weltraum 38.Würzburg
Sterne und Weltraum 34.BoHeTa
Astrofisika – NGC 7331
publications from others – literature (1): galaxies
publications from others – literature (2): dwarf galaxies
publications from others – literature (3): stellar streams of the Local Group galaxies
publications from others – literature (4): stellar streams and shell galaxies in the Local Volume
NGC 4625 / 4618
Team-member R. Sparenberg published this image of NGC 4625/18 on 2015-05-17. The integration time of this image is only about 3.5 hours, but therefore this image was made with a 44-inch telescope. P. Riepe found a dwarf companion on 2015-05-16. (see red marked object in image #2, that is now called NGC4625A after the investigations by Prof. Karachentsev et al.). Spectrosopic observations to determine the real distance are still ongoing.
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