publications from others – literature (3): stellar streams of the Local Group galaxies


This page gives an overview of relevant publications from others regarding stellar streams of the Local Group galaxies.
(including Sgr dSph as main-component of the Sgr stream) 

last update: 2016-03-31


  • Alard C. (1996): Evidence for the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy at low Galactic latitudes; ApJ 458, L17 (link to publication)
  • Alcock C. et al. (1997): MACHO project photometry of RR Lyrae stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; ApJ 474, 217 (link to publication)
  • Bailin J. (2003): Evidence for coupling between the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Milky Way warp; ApJ 583, L79 (link to publication)
  • Bate N.F. et al. (2014): Major substructure in the M31 outer halo: the South-West Cloud; MNRAS 437, 3362-3372 (link to publication)
  • Bellazzini M., Ferraro F.R., Buonanno R. (1999): The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy Survey (SDGS) – I. Colour-magnitude diagrams, reddening and population gradients. First evidence of a very metal-poor population; MNRAS 304, 633 (link to publication)
  • Bellazzini M., Ferraro F.R., Buonanno R. (1999): The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Survey (SDGS) – II. The stellar content and constraints on the star formation history; MNRAS 307, 619 (link to publication)
  • Belokurov V. et al. (2006): The Field of Streams: Sagittarius and Its Siblings; ApJ 642, L137-L140 (link to publication)
  • Belokurov V. et al. (2007): An Orphan in the “Field of Streams”; ApJ 658, 337-344 (link to publication)
  • Belokurov V. et al. (2007): The Hercules-Aquila Cloud; ApJ 657, L89-L92 (link to publication)
  • Belokurov V. et al. (2014): Precession of the Sagittarius stream; MNRAS 437, 116-131 (link to publication)
  • Bonaca A., Geha M., Kallivayalil N. (2012): A Cold Milky Way Stellar Stream in the Direction of Triangulum; ApJ Letters 760, article id. L6, 6 pp. (link to publication)
  • Bond N.A. et al. (2010): The Milky Way Tomography with SDSS. III. Stellar Kinematics; ApJ 716, 1-29 (6/2010) (link to publication)
  • Bonifacio P., Pasquini L., Molaro P., Marconi G. (1999): Spectroscopy of giants of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; Astrophys. Space Sci. 265, 541 (link to publication)
  • Bonifacio P., Sbordone L., Marconi G., Pasquini L., Hill V. (2004): The Sgr dSph hosts a metal-rich population; A&A 414, 503 (link to publication)
  • Burton W.B., Lockman F.J. (1999): HI observations towards the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy; A&A 349, 7 (link to publication)
  • Chapman S.C. et al. (2008): The kinematic footprints of five stellar streams in Andromeda’s halo; MNRAS 390, 1437-1452 (link to publication)
  • Cole A.A. (2001): The 2MASS color-magnitude diagram of the center of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy: photometric measurements of a surprisingly high mean metallicity; ApJ 559, L17 (link to publication)
  • Correnti M., Bellazzini M., Ibata R.A., Ferraro F.R., Varghese A. (2010): The northern wraps of the Sagittarius stream as traced by red clump stars: distances, intrinsic widths, and stellar densities; ApJ 721, 329-356 (link to publication)
  • Cseresnjes P., Alard C., Guibert J. (2000): Structure of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy at low Galactic latitudes; A&A 357, 871 (link to publication)
  • Cseresnjes P. (2001): RR Lyrae stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy: Period analysis; A&A 375, 909 (link to publication)
  • Dinescu D.I. et al. (2002): Absolute proper motions to b ~ 22.5. V. Detection of Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal debris in the direction of the galactic anticenter; ApJ 575, L67 (link to publication)
  • Dohm-Palmer R.C. et al. (2001): Mapping the galactic halo. V. Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal tidal debris 60° from the main body; ApJ 555, L37 (link to publication)
  • Duffau S. et al. (2006): Spectroscopy of QUEST RR Lyrae Variables: the new Virgo Stellar Stream; ApJ 636, L97-L100 (link to publication)
  • Edelsohn D.J., Elmegreen B.G. (1997): Computer models of the Sagittarius dwarf interaction with the Milky Way; MNRAS 290, 7 (link to publication)
  • Fahlman G.G. et al. (1996): The main-sequence stars of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; ApJ 459, L65 (link to publication)
  • Fardal M.A., Babul A., Geehan J. J., Guhathakurta P. (2006): Investigating the Andromeda stream – II. Orbital fits and properties of the progenitor; MNRAS 366, 1012-1028 (link to publication)
  • Fardal M.A., Guhathakurta P., Babul A., McConnachie A.W. (2007): Investigating the Andromeda stream – III. A young shell system in M31; MNRAS 380, 15-32 (link to publication)
  • Fellhauer M. et al. (2007): Is Ursa Major II the progenitor of the Orphan Stream? MNRAS 375, 1171-1179 (link to publication)
  • Ferguson A.M.N., Irwin M.J., Ibata R.A., Lewis G.F., Tanvir N.R. (2002): Evidence for stellar substructure in the halo and outer disk of M31; AJ 124, 1452-1463 (link to publication)
  • Font A.S., Johnson K.V., Guhathakurta P., Majewski S.R., Rich R.M. (2006): Dynamics and Stellar Content of the Giant Southern Stream in M31. II. Interpretation; AJ 131, 1436-1444 (link to publication)
  • Font A.S. et al. (2008): The stellar content of galaxy halos: a comparison between ΛCDM models and observations of M31; ApJ 673, 215-225 (link to publication)
  • Geehan J.J., Fardal M.A., Babul A., Guhathakurta P. (2006): Investigating the Andromeda stream – I. Simple analytic bulge-disc-halo model for M31; MNRAS 366, 996-1011 (link to publication)
  • Gilmore G. et al. (2013): Boötes-I, Segue 1, the Orphan Stream and CEMP-no Stars: Extreme Systems Quantifying Feedback and Chemical Evolution in the Oldest and Smallest Galaxies; The Messenger 151, 25-28 (link to publication)
  • Gomez-Flechoso M.A., Fux R., Martinet L. (1999): Sagittarius, a dwarf spheroidal galaxy without dark matter? A&A 347, 77 (link to publication)
  • Grillmair C.J. (2006): Detection of a 60°-long Dwarf Galaxy Debris Stream; ApJ 645, L37-L40 (link to publication)
  • Grillmair C.J. (2009): Four new stellar debris streams in the Galactic halo; ApJ 693, 1118-1127 (link to publication)
  • Helmi A., White S.D.M. (2001): Simple dynamical models of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; MNRAS 323, 529 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R.A., Gilmore G., Irwin M.J. (1994): A Dwarf Satellite Galaxy in Sagittarius; Nature 370, 194-196 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R.A., Gilmore G., Irwin M.J. (1995): Sagittarius – the nearest dwarf galaxy; MNRAS 277, 781 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R.A., Wyse R.F.G., Gilmore G., Irwin M.J., Suntzeff N.B. (1997): The kinematics orbit and survival of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy; AJ 113, 634 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R., Irwin M., Lewis G.F., Stolte A. (2001): Galactic halo substructure in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: the ancient tidal stream from the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; ApJ 547, L133-L136 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R., Irwin M., Lewis G., Ferguson A.M.N., Tanvir N. (2001): A giant stream of metal rich stars in the halo of the galaxy M31; Nature 412, 49 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R., Lewis G.F., Irwin M., Totten E., Quinn T. (2001): Great circle tidal streams: evidence for a nearly spherical massive dark halo around the Milky way; ApJ 551, 294 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R.A., Lewis G.F., Irwin M.J., Cambrésy L. (2002): Substructure of the outer Galactic halo from the 2-Micron All-Sky Survey; MNRAS 332, 921-927 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R.A., Irwin M.J., Lewis G.F., Ferguson A.M.N., Tanvir N. (2003): One ring to encompass them all: a giant stellar structure that surrounds the Galaxy; MNRAS 340, L21-L27 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R. et al. (2007): The haunted halos of Andromeda and Triangulum: a panorama of galaxy formation in action; ApJ 671, 1591-1623 (link to publication)
  • Ibata R.A. et al. (2014): The large-scale structure of the halo of the Andromeda galaxy. I. Global stellar density, morphology and metallicity properties; ApJ 780, 128 (link to publication)
  • Irwin M.J., Ferguson A., Tanvir N., Ibata R., Lewis G. (2001): The Andromeda Stream. A Giant Trail of Tidal Stellar Debris in the Halo of M31; ING Newsl., issue no. 5, 3-5 (link to publication)
  • Ivezić Z. et al. (2008): The Milky Way Tomography with SDSS. II. Stellar Metallicity; ApJ 684, 287-325 (9/2008) (link to publication)
  • Ivezić Ž., Beers T.C., Jurić M. (2012): Galactic Stellar Populations in the Era of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Other Large Surveys; Annual Review of A&A 50, 251-304 (link to publication)
  • Jin S., Lynden-Bell D. (2007): Are Complex A and the Orphan stream related? MNRAS Letters 378, L64-L66 (link to publication)
  • Johnston K.V., Spergel D.N., Hernquist L. (1995): The disruption of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; ApJ 451, 598 (link to publication)
  • Johnston K.V., Majewski S.R., Siegel M.H., Reid I.N., Kunkel W.E. (1999): Constraining the history of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy using observations of its tidal debris; AJ 118, 1719 (link to publication)
  • Jurić M. et al. (2008): The Milky Way Tomography with SDSS. I. Stellar Number Density Distribution; ApJ 673, 864-914 (link to publication)
  • Kalirai J.S. et al. (2006): Kinematics and Metallicity of M31 Red Giants. The Giant Southern Stream and Discovery of a Second Cold Component at R=20 kpc; ApJ 641, 268-280 (link to publication)
  • Klement R., Fuchs B., Rix H.-W. (2008): Identifying Stellar Streams in the First RAVE Public Data Release; ApJ 685, 261-271 (link to publication)
  • Koposov S.E. et al. (2012): The Sagittarius Streams in the Southern Galactic Hemisphere; ApJ 750, article id. 80, 9 pp. (link to publication) and (Erratum)
  • Kundu A. et al. (2002): Exploring halo substructure with giant stars. III. First results from the grid giant star survey and discovery of a possible nearby Sagittarius tidal structure in Virgo; ApJ 576, L125 (link to publication)
  • Kunkel W.E. (1979): On the Origin and Dynamics of the Magellanic Stream; ApJ 228, 718-733 (link to publication)
  • Law David R., Majewski Steven R. (2010): Assessing the Milky Way Satellites Associated with the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy; ApJ 718, 1128-1150 (link to publication)
  • Lewis G.F. et al. (2004): The Andromeda stream; Publ Astron. Soc. Austr. 21, 203-206 (link to publication)
  • Lewis G.F., Ibata R.A. (2005): Tidal Tails and the Shape of the Dark Matter Halo; Publ Astron. Soc. Austr. 22, 190-194 (link to publication)
  • Lynden-Bell D., Lynden-Bell R.M. (1995): Ghostly streams from the formation of the Galaxy’s halo; MNRAS 275, 429-442 (link to publication)
  • Majewski S.R. (2004): The Fornax-Leo-Sculptor stream revisited; ApJ 431, L17 (link to publication)
  • Majewski S.R. et al. (1999): Starcounts redivivus. III. A possible detection of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy at b = -40°; AJ 118, 1709 (link to publication)
  • Majewski S.R., Skrutskie M.F., Weinberg M.D., Ostheimer J.C. (2003): A Two Micron All Sky Survey view of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. I. Morphology of the Sagittarius core and tidal arms; ApJ 599, 1082-1115 (link to publication)
  • Martin N.F. et al. (2014): The PAndAS field of streams: stellar structures in the Milky Way halo toward Andromeda and Triangulum; ApJ 787, 19 (link to publication)
  • Martinez-Delgado D., Aparicio A., Gomez-Flechoso M.A., Carrera R. (2001): Tidal Streams in the Galactic Halo: Evidence For the Sagittarius Northern Stream or Traces of a New Nearby Dwarf Galaxy; ApJ 549, L199-L202 (link to publication)
  • Martinez-Delgado D., Gomez-Flechoso M.A., Aparicio A., Carrera R. (2004): Tracing out the northern tidal stream of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy; ApJ 601, 242 (link to publication)
  • Martinez-Delgado D., Peñarrubia J., Jurić M., Alfaro E.J., Ivezić Z. (2007): The Virgo stellar overdensity: mapping the infall of the Sagittarius tidal stream onto the Milky Way disk; ApJ 660, 1264-1272 (link to publication)
  • Martinez-Delgado D., Aparicio A., Gomez-Flechoso M.A. (2009): Searching for tidal tails in galactic dwarf spheroidal galaxies; Astron. Gesellschaft Abstract Ser. 16Q, 39 (link to publication)
  • Mateo M. et al. (1996): Discovery of a tidal extension of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy; ApJ 458, L13 (link to publication)
  • Mateo M., Olszewski E.W., Morrison H.L. (1998): Tracing the outer structure of the Sagittarius dwarf Galaxy: detections at angular distances between 10° and 34°; ApJ 508, L55 (link to publication)
  • McConnachie A.W. et al. (2006): The stellar halo and outer disk of M 33; ApJ 647, L25-L28 (link to publication)
  • McConnachie A.W. et al. (2009): The remnants of galaxy formation from a panoramic survey of the region around M31; Nature 461, 66-69 (link to publication)
  • McConnachie A.W. et al. (2010): The Photometric Properties of a Vast Stellar Substructure in the Outskirts of M33; ApJ 723, 1038-1052 (link to publication)
  • Monaco L., Ferraro F.R., Bellazzini M., Pancino E. (2002): First detection of the red giant branch bump in the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy; ApJ 578, L47 (link to publication)
  • Monaco L., Bellazzini M., Ferraro F. R., Pancino E. (2003): Blue Horizontal-Branch Stars in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy; ApJ 597, L25 (link to publication)
  • Morrison H.L. (2000): Star streams in the Milky way – fragments of its history; American Astron. Soc. meeting, 197, 6901 (link to publication)
  • Morrison H.L. et al. (2000): Mapping the galactic halo. I. The “Spaghetti” survey; AJ 119, 2254 (link to publication)
  • Newberg H.J. et al. (2002): The ghost of Sagittarius and lumps in the halo of the Milky Way; ApJ 569, 245 (link to publication)
  • Newberg H.J. et al. (2003): Sagittarius tidal debris 90 kiloparsecs from the Galactic Center; ApJ 596, L191 (link to publication)
  • Newberg H.J., Willett B.A., Yanny B., Xu Y. (2010): The Orbit of the Orphan Stream; ApJ 711, 32-49 (link to publication)
  • Putman M.E., Thom C., Gibson B.K., Staveley-Smith L. (2004): The gaseous trail of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; ApJ 603, L77 (link to publication)
  • Sales L.V. et al. (2008): On the genealogy of the Orphan Stream; MNRAS 389, 1391-1398 (link to publication)
  • Sesar B. et al. (2013): Tracing the Orphan Stream to 55 kpc with RR Lyrae Stars; ApJ 776, article id. 26, 12 pp. (link to publication)
  • Sheffield A.A. et al. (2014): Exploring halo substructure with giant stars. XIV. The nature of the Triangulum-Andromeda stellar Features (link to publication)
  • Simion I.T., Belokurov V., Irwin M., Koposov S.E.: Strong RR Lyrae excess in the Hercules-Aquila Cloud; MNRAS 440, 161-171 (5/2014) (link to publication)
  • Smith R. et al. (2013): Ursa Major II – reproducing the observed properties through tidal disruption; MNRAS 433, 2529-2544 (link to publication)
  • Taylor C. et al. (2003): The Origin of the Dust Arch in the Halo of NGC 4631: An Expanding Superbubble?; AJ, Volume 125, Issue 3, pp. 1204-1209 (link to publication)
  • Velazquez H., White S.D.M. (1995): On the dynamics of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; MNRAS 275, L23 (link to publication)
  • Vivas A.K. et al. (2001): The QUEST RR Lyrae survey: confirmation of the clump at 50 kiloparsecs and other overdensities in the outer halo; ApJ 554, L33 (link to publication)
  • Whitelock P.A., Irwin M., Catchpole R.M. (1996): Bright giants in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy; New Astronomy 1, 57 (link to publication)
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