NGC 4594

After deep exposure of the environment near M 104 (NGC 4594) published within the TBG group on 2015-06-12 by S. Küppers, he was able to show on the one hand the tidal stream discovered by Malin and Hadley in 1997 (see image #2).

[Malin, D. & Hadley, B. 1997, Publ. Astron. Soc. Australia, 14, 52].

On the other hand he was able to find two further unknown dwarf companions around M 104! Until now we found no other hints that these two galaxies were already known.

No.1: 12 h 39 min 51.5 s, -11 ° 20′ 29 “, unknown; No.2: 12 h 39 min 54.8 s, -11 ° 44 ‘ 45 “, KKSG32; No.3: 12 h 41 min 12 s, -11 ° 53 ‘ 33 “, unknown; No.4: 12 h 41 min 19 s, -11 ° 55 ‘ 30 “, KKSG34

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