The members of the TBG-Group:
name | function within team | contact | ||
1 | Beisser, Dr. Jürgen | astrophotography | jubeis . . . web . . . de | |
2 | Blauensteiner, Markus | astrophotography / object identification | Markus.Blauensteiner . . . gmx . . . net | |
3 | Celnik, Dr. Werner E. | organization of the team / project manager / conceptional work / evaluation of images / searching for objects astrophotography |
wec . . . astrographic . . . de | |
4 | Daiber, Torsten |
astrophotography |
post . . . luchs-sternwarte . . . de |
5 | Deger, Michael | astrophotography | michdeger . . . aol . . . de | |
6 | Gährken, Bernd | interested team member (guest amateur) | bgaehrken . . . web . . . de | |
7 | Gludau, Björn | astrophotography | sternfreund . . . gmx . . . de | |
8 | Gruber, Dr. Franz | astrophotography | franz.gruber . . . natscience . . . at | |
9 | Hess, Rochus | astrophotography | rochus_hess . . . aon . . . at | |
10 | Hoppe, Michael | astrophotography | astrohoppe . . . aol . . . com | |
11 | Hubing, Garrett |
astrophotography |
ghubing . . . gmail . . . com |
12 | Hubl, Bernhard | astrophotography | b.hubl . . . gmx . . . at | |
13 | Kaltseis, Christoph | astrophotography | christoph.kaltseis . . . lightstorm . . . at |
14 |
Karachentsev, Prof. Dr. Igor D. |
Professional astronomer, associated member
“The night sky is the general property, being available to everybody.” |
ikar . . . sao . . . ru | |
15 |
Kerschhuber, Günter | astrophotography | g.kerschhuber . . . chello . . . at | |
16 | Klauser, Franz | astrophotography | franz.klauser1 . . . gmx . . . at | |
17 | Korth, Stefan | astrophotography | stefan.korth . . . astrodigital . . . de | |
18 | Köchling, Peter | astrophotography | peter-koechling . . . gmx . . . de | |
19 | Küppers, Stephan | astrophotography | ask99 . . . gmx . . . de | |
20 | Mandl, Wolfgang | astrophotography | mandlw . . . aon . . . at | |
21 | Möller, Karsten | astrophotographer / interested team member | karsten . . . moellemanns . . . de | |
22 | Müller, Josef | astrophotography | westerwald-astro . . . hotmail . . . de | |
23 | Mrotzek, Manfred | astrophotography, inquiries and identification of astronomical objects, evaluation of images | manfred.mrotzek . . . t-online . . . de | |
24 | Neyer, Dr. Fabian | astrophotography | fabian.neyer . . . gmx . . . ch | |
25 | Nischang, Martin | astrophotography, div. documentations for the Group | nischang . . . gmx . . . net | |
26 | Overhaus, Christian | astrophotography | astrovi . . . t-online . . . de | |
27 | Pölzl, Robert | astrophotography | robert_lieboch . . . hotmail . . . com | |
28 | Probst, Werner | astrophotography | Prokyon . . . gmx . . . at | |
29 | Reese, Dr. Carsten | astrophotography / evaluation of images | carsten . . . castronomie . . . de | |
30 | Remmel, Peter | astrophotography | punda.r . . . googlemail . . . com | |
31 | Riepe, Peter |
organization of the team / project manager / conceptional work / evaluation of images / searching for objects |
peter.riepe . . . gmx . . . net | |
32 | Rörig, Andreas | interested team member | roerig.andreas . . . gmail . . . com | |
33 | Rusch, Christian | astrophotography | ch.rusch . . . hispeed . . . ch | |
34 | Scharnhorst, Danny | astrophotography | Dannyehome . . . aol . . . com | |
35 | Schneider, Oliver | astrophotography | osastro . . . t-online . . . de | |
36 | Sparenberg, Rainer | astrophotographer / interested team member (guest amateur) | rainer . . . airglow . . . de | |
37 | Späni, Rainer | astrophotography | pixelraini . . . gmail . . . com | |
38 | Straube, Dr. Mathias | astrophotography | mathias_straube . . . web . . . de | |
39 | Strauß, Harald | astrophotography / interested team member | h.strauss . . . aon . . . at | |
40 | Tomsik, Dr. Harald | interested team member (guest amateur) | Harald.Tomsik . . . ruhr-uni-bochum . . . de | |
41 | Trulson, Dr. Uwe | astrophotography | uwe.trulson . . . posteo . . . de | |
42 | Wacker, Wilfried | interested team member (guest amateur) | starwack . . . t-online . . . de | |
43 | Wallner, Bernd | astrophotography | be.wa-galactic-dwarf . . . . t-online . . . de | |
44 | Wasshuber, Manfred | astrophotography | manfred . . . astroimages . . . at | |
45 | Willems, Gerald | astrophotography | gwaquarius . . . web . . . de | |
46 | Zilch, Thorsten |
Organization of the team / project manager / evaluation of images / searching for objects / astrophotography / webmaster |
moonwise . . . gmx . . . de |
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