This page gives an overview of relevant publications from others regarding dwarf galaxies.
(we omit papers dealing with individual dwarfs)
last update: 2015-12-20
- Aaronson M., Mould J. (1985): Infrared photometry and the comparative stellar content of dwarf spheroidals in the galactic halo; ApJ 290, 191 (link to publication)
- Abraham R.G., van Dokkum P. (2014): Ultra Low Surface Brightness Imaging with the Dragonfly Telephoto Array (link to publication)
- Aparicio A., Gallart C., Chiosi C., Bertelli G. (1996): Model color-magnitude diagrams for Hubble Space Telescope observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies; ApJ 469, L97 (link to publication)
- Azzopardi, M. (1999): Carbon stars in nearby Local Group galaxies; Astrophys. Space Sci. 265, 291 (link to publication)
- Barazza F.D., Binggeli B., Prugniel P. (2001): Structure and stellar content of dwarf galaxies. VI. B, V and R photometry of northern field dwarf galaxies; A&A 373, 12 (link to publication)
- Bellazzini M., Fusi Pecci F., Ferraro F.R. (1996): Environmental effects on the structure of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies; MNRAS 278, 947 (link to publication)
- Belokurov V. et al. (2007): Cats and Dogs, Hair and a Hero: A Quintet of New Milky Way Companions; ApJ 654, 897-906 (link to publication)
- Billett O.H., Hunter D.A., Elmegreen B.G. (2002): Compact star clusters in nearby dwarf irregular galaxies; AJ 123, 1454 (link to publication)
- Bremnes T., Binggeli B., Prugniel P.: Structure and Stellar Content of Dwarf Galaxies. I. B and R photometry of dwarf galaxies in the M 81 Group; A&A Suppl. Ser. 129, 313-328 (1998) (link to publication)
- Bremnes T., Binggeli B., Prugniel P.: Structure and Stellar Content of Dwarf Galaxies. III. B and R photometry of dwarf galaxies in the M 101 Group and the nearby field; A&A Suppl. Ser. 137, 337-350 (1999) (link to publication)
- Bremnes T., Binggeli B., Prugniel P.: Structure and Stellar Content of Dwarf Galaxies. IV. B and R photometry of dwarf galaxies in the CVnI cloud; A&A Suppl. Ser. 141, 211-220 (2000) (link to publication)
- Brinks E., Walter F., Kerp J. (2000): X-ray observations of superbubbles in dwarf galaxies; Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. Serie de Conf. 9, 279 (link to publication)
- Burkert A. (1997): Do dwarf spheroidal galaxies contain dark matter? ApJ 474, L99 (link to publication)
- Collins M.L.M. et al. (2014): The masses of local group dwarf spheroidal galaxies: the death of the universal mass profile; ApJ 783, 7 (link to publication)
- Deeg H.J. et al. (1998): A catalogue of dwarf galaxy candidates around interacting galaxies; A&A Suppl. 129, 455 (link to publication)
- de Vaucouleurs G., de Vaucouleurs A., Buta R. (1981): Integrated magnitudes and mean colors of the DDO dwarf galaxies in the UBV system. I – Observations and catalog; AJ 86, 1429 (link to publication)
- de Vaucouleurs G., de Vaucouleurs A., Buta R. (1983): Integrated magnitudes and mean colors of DDO dwarf galaxies in the UBV system. II – Distances, luminosities, and H I properties; AJ 88, 764 (link to publication)
- Dolphin A.E. (2000): Star formation histories of dwarf spheroidals; American Astron. Soc. meeting 197, 7915 (no paper available)
- D’Onghia E., Besla G., Cox T.J., Hernquist L. (2009): Resonant stripping as the origin of dwarf spheroidal galaxies; Nature 460, 605-607 (no paper available)
- Ferguson H.C., Binggeli B. (1994): Dwarf elliptical galaxies; A&A Review 6, 67 (link to publication)
- Ferrara A., Tolstoy E. (2000): The role of stellar feedback and dark matter in the Evolution of dwarf galaxies; MNRAS 313, 291 (link to publication)
- Gallagher J.S. III, Wyse R.F.G. (1994): Dwarf spheroidal galaxies: Keystones of galaxy evolution; PASP 106, 1225 (link to publication)
- Gallart C. (2001): The stellar populations of the Milky Way satellites: the early universe through the color-magnitude diagram; Astrophys. Space Sci. Suppl. 277, 255 (link to publication)
- Grebel E.K. (2001): Star formation histories of nearby dwarf galaxies; Astrophys. Space Sci. Suppl. 277, 231 (link to publication)
- Grebel E.K., Gallagher J.S. III, Harbeck D. (2003): The progenitors of dwarf spheroidal galaxies; AJ 125, 1926 (link to publication)
- Huchtmeier W.K., Karachentsev I.D., Karachentseva V.E., Ehle M. (2000): HI observations of nearby galaxies. I. The first list of the Karachentsev catalog; A&A Suppl. Ser. 141, 469-490 (link to publication)
- Huchtmeier W.K., Karachentsev I.D., Karachentseva V.E. (2009): HI-observations of dwarf galaxies in the Local Supercluster; A&A 506, 677-680 (link to publication)
- Hunter D.A., Gallagher J.S., Rautenkranz D. (1982): Globular properties of irregular galaxies; ApJ Suppl. Ser. 49, 53-88 (link to publication)
- Hunter D.A., Gallagher J.S. (1986): Stellar populations and star formation in irregular galaxies; PASP 98, 5 (link to publication)
- Hunter D.A., Hoffman L. (1999): Emission-line spectroscopy of H II regions in irregular and blue compact dwarf galaxies; AJ 117, 2789 (link to publication)
- Israel F.P., Tacconi L.J., Braas F. (1995): CO observations of 25 dwarf galaxies; A&A 295, 599 (link to publication)
- Kaisin S.S., Karachentsev I.D., Ravindranath S. (2012): Hα survey of nearby dwarf galaxies; MNRAS 425, 2083-2098 (link to publication)
- Karachentsev I.D., Tikhonov N.A. (1994): New photometric distances for dwarf galaxies in the Local Volume; A&A 286, 718 (link to publication)
- Karachentsev I.D., Karachentseva V.E., Suchov A.A., Grebel E.K. (2000): Dwarf galaxy candidates found on the SERC EJ sky survey; A&A Suppl. Ser. 145, 415 (link to publication)
- Karachentsev I.D., Kaisina E.I., Makarov D.I.: Suites of dwarfs around nearby giant galaxies; AJ 147, 13 (1/2014) (link to publication)
- Karachentsev I.D., Sharina M.E., Makarov D.I., Perepelitsyna Y.A., Safonova E.S. (2015): New radial velocities for dwarf galaxies in the Local Volume (link to publication)
- Karachentseva V.E., Karachentsev I.D. (1998): A list of new nearby dwarf galaxy candidates; A&A Suppl. Ser. 127, 409-419 (link to publication)
- Kleyna J., Geller M., Kenyon S., Kurtz M. (1999): Measuring the dark matter scale of Local Group dwarf spheroidals; AJ 117, 1275 (link to publication)
- Kormendy J., Fisher D.B., Cornell M.E., Bender R. (2009): Structure and formation of elliptical and spheroidal galaxies; ApJ Suppl. Ser. 182, 216-309 (link to publication)
- Larsen T.I., Sommer-Larsen J., Pagel B.E.J. (2001): The chemical evolution of gas-rich dwarf galaxies; MNRAS 323, 555 (link to publication)
- Makarova L. (1999): Multi-colour photometry of nearby dwarf galaxies; A&A Suppl. Ser. 139, 491-512 (link to publication)
- Makarova L.N., Karachentsev I.D., Grebel E.K., Barsunova O.Y. (2002): Surface photometry of new nearby dwarf galaxies; A&A 384, 72-80 (link to publication)
- Martin N.F., Ibata R.A., Chapman S.C., Irwin M., Lewis G.F. (2007): A Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopic survey of faint Galactic satellites: searching for the least massive dwarf galaxies; MNRAS 380, 281-300 (link to publication)
- Martinez-Delgado D., Aparicio A., Gomez-Flechoso M.A. (2000): Searching for tidal tails in galactic dwarf spheroidal galaxies; Astron. Gesellschaft Abstract Ser. 16Q, 39 (no publication available)
- Mateo M. et al. (1994): Dwarf elliptical galaxies; Astron. & Astrophys. Rev. 6, 67 (11/1994) (no publication available)
- Mateo M. (1998): Dwarf galaxies of the Local Group; Annual Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 36, 435 (link to publication)
- Mayer L. et al. (2001): Tidal stirring and the origin of dwarf spheroidals in the Local Group; ApJ 547, L123 (link to publication)
- McConnachie Alan W. (2012): The observed properties of dwarf galaxies in and around the Local Group; AJ 144, 4 (36pp) (link to publication)
- McQuinn K.B.W. et al. (2010): The Nature of Starbursts. II. The Duration of Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies; ApJ 724, 49-58 (link to publication)
- Metz M., Kroupa P., Jerjen H. (2007): The spatial distribution of the Milky Way and Andromeda satellite galaxies; MNRAS 374, 1125-1145 (link to publication)
- Noeske K.G., Iglesias-Paramo J., Vilchez J.M., Papaderos P., Fricke K.J. (2001): On faint companions in the close environment of star-forming dwarf galaxies. Possible external star formation triggers? A&A 371, 806 (link to publication)
- Norris J., Zinn R. (1975): The Cepheid variables and the stellar populations of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies; ApJ 202, 335 (no publication available)
- Oh K.S., Lin D.N.C., Aarseth S.J. (1995): On the tidal disruption of dwarf spheroidal galaxies around the Galaxy; ApJ 442, 142 (link to publication)
- Parodi B.R., Binggeli B. (2003): Distribution of star-forming complexes in dwarf irregular galaxies; A&A 398, 501 (link to publication)
- Patterson R.J., Thuan T.X. (1996): Surface photometry of low surface brightness dwarf irregular galaxies; ApJ Suppl. Ser. 107, 103 (link to publication)
- Pildis R.A., Schombert J.M., Eder J.A. (1997): Gas-rich dwarf galaxies from the Second Palomar Sky Survey. II. Optical properties; ApJ 481, 157 (link to publication)
- Schombert J.M., Pildis R.A., Eder J.A. (1997): Gas-rich dwarfs from the second Palomar sky survey. I. Catalog and characteristics; ApJ Suppl. Ser. 111, 233 (link to publication)
- Swaters R.A., van Albada T.S., van der Hulst J.M., Sancisi R. (2002): The Westerbork HI survey of spiral and irregular galaxies. I. HI imaging of late-type dwarf galaxies; A&A 390, 829-861 (link to publication)
- Swaters R.A., Balcells M. (2002): The Westerbork HI survey of spiral and irregular galaxies. II. R-band surface photometry of late-type dwarf galaxies; A&A 390, 863-878 (link to publication)
- Tolstoy E. et al. (2004): Stellar spectroscopy of individual stars in Local Group galaxies with the VLT: kinematics and calcium triplet abundances; The Messenger 115, 32 (link to publication)
- Tully R.B. et al. (2006): Associations of Dwarf Galaxies; AJ 132, 729-748 (8/2006) (link to publication)
- van den Bergh S. (1959): A catalogue of dwarf galaxies; Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto 2, no. 5, Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto Press, 147-150 (no publication available)
- van den Bergh S. (2006): Globular Clusters in Dwarf Galaxies; AJ 131, 304-311 (link to publication)
- van Zee L. (2000): The evolutionary status of isolated dwarf irregular galaxies. I. UBV and Hα imaging observations; AJ 119, 2757-2779 (link to publication)
- van Zee L. (2001): The Evolutionary Status of Isolated Dwarf Irregular Galaxies. II. Star Formation Histories and Gas Depletion; AJ 121, 2003 (link to publication)
- Whiting A.B., Hau G.K.T., Irwin M. (2002): The Southern Dwarf Hunt. Local Group Dwarf Candidates in the Southern Sky; ApJ Suppl. Ser. 141, 123-146 (link to publication)
- Willman B. et al. (2002): An SDSS survey for resolved Milky Way satellite galaxies. I. Detection limits; AJ 123, 848 (link to publication)
- Wilson, A.G. (1955): Sculptor-Type Systems in the Local Group of Galaxies; PASP 67, 27 (no publication available)
- Zinn R. (1985): The dwarf spheroidal galaxies and their variable stars; Memorie Societa Astronomica Italiana 56, 223 (link to publication)
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