NGC 3344

An inverted Image of the spiral galaxy
NGC 3344 and its suspected dwarf companion
NGC3444 dw1, marked by arrows. The image
was obtained by G. Kerschhuber and
M. Blauensteiner based on simultaneous data
from four telescopes with a total exposure of
28.8 hours. The size of the fragment is 22′
× 16′. North
is at the top, east is to the left.
(Have also a look into the article “New Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies Detected Around Nearby Spirals” in the sub-page “publications in collaboration with the TBG Group”.)

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Astrophysical data of the object:

object name NGC 3344
cross-identification UGC 05840, PGC 031968 , 2MASX J10433114+2455199
properties SIMBAD NED POSS II blue (stretched) TBG group
RA (J2000) 10 h 43 m 31.150 s 10 h 43 m 31.1 s    
DE (J2000) +24 ° 55 ‘  19.99 “ +24 ° 55 ‘ 20 “    
type Sbc (R)SAB(r)bc    
length (‘) 4.563 7.1 7.7  
width (‘) 4.472 6.5 7.3  
brightness (mag) Filter 9.86 (V) 9.86 (V)    
velocity (km/s) 584 580    
light travel time (Myr)   40    
obervations by     
optical telescopes source and special observations   
radio telescopes source and special observations   
TBG group special observations Confirmation:
Professional investigation is actual ongoing!
The image is confidential at the Moment!

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